When she was asked to model her prosthesis for an Ossür ad, Ann Marie Rivera couldn’t say no to the Icelandic company that manufactured her left foot and ankle.
“Being a nurse, I always like to help people,” she says. “I was glad to show that people can do whatever they love to do without any limitations.”
After a sports injury forced the amputation of her lower left leg, Ann Marie sought the expertise of Methodist Orthotics & Prosthetics staff. They test prosthetic breakthroughs for companies across the world, and they knew Ossür’s revolutionary Unity vacuum system would be a good fit for a busy pediatric nurse.
Now Ann Marie doesn’t worry when she kneels to comfort frightened children or hurries to handle emergencies. And she credits Methodist for making her a “model” patient.
“They have been absolutely wonderful since the moment I walked in the door,” she said. “They’re so knowledgeable and fit me with the perfect prosthesis. I have no trouble at all being on my feet.”